5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Start Your Business

take a leap they said. start before you’re ready they said. better regret failing than not taking action they said. just do it they said. and you did. and now what?

We live in a wonderful world full of possibilities with more freedom than ever before. You can almost start a business by just opening an account on Instagram and start sharing some appealing content. Women especially are making strides in entrepreneurship and taking more space than ever before in history. With all these super inspirational stories and role models it’s easy to feel compelled to join the movement and achieve something great yourself. And why shouldn’t you do so if you could?

As with everything in life, there is always the flip side too. Entrepreneurial journey is all but a paved path to be strolled upon, watching the sunset and admiring at unicorns along the way. It is at the same time one of the most wonderful thing that you can experience in your lifetime.

If you are on the fence though and you have been reading all the signs about why you ‘should’ just do it, let me offer another perspective in case this might be something you need to hear instead.


  1. You keep looking at accounts that inspire you and keep thinking ‘I want what she has’

  2. You feel like all your peers are hustling and creating start-ups so naturally you must join the trend

  3. You feel like a failure and a bore if you stay at your secure 9-5 job

  4. You’ve been thinking to yourself - all the moms are having a side hustle, surely I can do it too

  5. You have not set yourself up financially to allow for growth and also uncertainty

No one but you is the director of your life and no one but you will have to find a way to make this dream become a successful business. So many things are possible beyond our wildest dreams! These insights I’ve shared are not about if you’re capable or if you were born for it. They are here to hopefully make you look deep within and discover if it’s YOU that is after this wild ride or you’ve been influenced by trends and other people’s expectations.

‘the most COURAGEOUS act is still to think for yourself. aloud.’ - Coco chanel


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